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The Cocktail

The Bloody Mary is a classic cocktail renowned for its bold and savory flavors. Often associated with brunch or as a hangover cure, this iconic drink has a rich history and a distinctive taste that sets it apart from other cocktails.

The Bloody Mary’s blend of tangy tomato, robust spices, and customizable ingredients has made it a staple in the world of mixology. Its enduring popularity and adaptability continue to ensure its place on cocktail menus and in the hearts of enthusiasts, offering a versatile and satisfying drink suitable for various occasions. Whether sipped leisurely at brunch or enjoyed as a revitalizing pick-me-up, the Bloody Mary remains a true classic in the world of cocktails.


2 Ounces
4 Ounces
tomato juice
2 teaspoons
2 dashes
Worcestershire sauce
Green olives

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